Dana G. Dice

 God began to burden the Dice's heart to start a church in New York City early in the 90s. Dana Dice was a student at Oklahoma Baptist College, studying to be a pastor. In the next couple of years through people from New York state, God drew Dana and Julie's hearts to NYC. In April of 1993, during a chapel message in college, God convinced them to go to NYC. On October 31, 1999, the Gospel Light Baptist Church was started. The first two services were in the YMCA on Parsons Blvd. The following Sunday they began to hold services in the First Reformed Church of Jamaica. They had services on Sunday afternoon at 3:00 pm and at 7:30 on Wednesday evenings. As the Dice's saturated the area with gospel tracts, folks began to come. Soon they began a Sunday School with two classes. One for the afternoon following the service. Early the church began to go together to pass out tracts in the Jamaica Center subway station on Tuesday nights. On Saturdays, the church passed out tracts and began to knock on doors to reach the lost with the gospel. Our first baptism was held at Bible Baptist Church of Elmont and then permission was given to fill a stock tank with water to baptize in the main auditorium. The church desired to look for a building to use as much as they wanted.

      In July of 2001, a "For Rent" sign appeared on a recently vacated beauty salon at 172-23 Hillside Ave. The church had been praying for some time for a building and the price was right. Much labor went into painting, renovating, hauling trash, and whatever needed to be done. The church had the building ready in 12 days and the first service was held on July 29th, 2001. God has blessed with many souls saved and baptisms. The church had it's first mission conference in October of 2001. On February 3rd, 2002, the church was formally organized, with over twenty members signing the church charter. The future of Gospel Light Baptist Church is as bright as the promises of God! Jesus said in Matthew 16:18 "And I say unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it."

Justin Rodriguez
  • Assistant/Youth Pastor